Calendar Maker Script (for Python) Pythonでカレンダーを作る
My wife pushed me to create a calendar of her design, but I couldn't find a good image, so I decided to make one as a programmer!
Here is the image.
And this is a code.
Holidays are Japanese ones. To know which day is holiday, I got "" from here.
Thank you "AddingBox"!!
Also you need to install PIL(Python Image Library).
""" CREATE LARGE CALENDER IMAGE This code is created by tiid ( This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. """ import Image from PIL import ImageFont, ImageDraw from jholiday import holiday_name from datetime import timedelta import datetime class CalenderImage() : def __init__(self, width, height): self.image ="RGB", (width,height), (255,255,255)) self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image) self.font = ImageFont.truetype("/Library/Fonts/OsakaMono.ttf", 30) self.monthFont = ImageFont.truetype("/Library/Fonts/OsakaMono.ttf", 40) def setMergin(self, leftright, topbottom, month_height): self.currenttop = topbottom + month_height self.topbottom = topbottom self.monthHeight = month_height w,h = self.image.size self.delta_h = (h - 2*topbottom - self.monthHeight)/31 self.delta_w = (w - 2*leftright) / 12 self.currentleft = leftright - self.delta_w def drawDate(self, date, color): self.draw.text((self.currentleft, self.currenttop), str(date), fill=[(155,155,155), (155,155,255), (255,155,155)][color], font = self.font) font_w,font_h = self.font.getsize(str(date)) self.draw.line([(self.currentleft, self.currenttop+font_h), (self.currentleft + self.delta_w*0.8 , self.currenttop+font_h)], fill=(155,155,155)) self.currenttop += self.delta_h def changeMonth(self, date): self.currentleft += self.delta_w monthstr = [None,"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jly","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"][date.month] font_w,font_h = self.monthFont.getsize(str(date.year)) if(date.month==1 or date.month==9): self.draw.text((self.currentleft, self.topbottom), str(date.year), fill=(155,155,155), font = self.monthFont) self.draw.text((self.currentleft, self.topbottom+font_h), monthstr, fill=(155,155,155), font = self.monthFont) self.currenttop = self.topbottom + self.monthHeight start_date =, 9, 1) end_date =, 8, 31) current_date = start_date oneday = timedelta(1) ci = CalenderImage(2481, 1755) ci.setMergin(200, 100, 100) while(current_date <= end_date): if( ci.changeMonth(current_date) holiday = holiday_name(date = current_date) if(holiday != None): ## red color ci.drawDate(, 2) elif(current_date.weekday()==5): ## saturday ci.drawDate(, 1) elif(current_date.weekday()==6): ## sunday ci.drawDate(, 2) else: ci.drawDate(, 0) current_date += oneday"calendar.bmp", "BMP")