Using cheap Intel ComputeStick STCK1A8LFC with Lubuntu 18.04

I bought a cheap Intel Compute Stick PC(STCK1A8LFC, 1GB RAM/8GB storage) to make it a remote 3D printer host for my M3D micro+( Since M3D micro+ only works on Windows and Linux now (Mac version is incompatible to Mojave), I installed a Lubuntu to it. Although, there is a blog about the a script ( for customizing bootable iso image to Atom base PC(, it seems we don't need it anymore. So, here is what I did. 1. Update bios download latest bios image from . Choose Recovery BIOS update []. save it to a USB flash drive. restart ComputeStick hitting F7 from BIOS update menu, choose USB and 2. Install Lubuntu Download lubuntu alternate image from . We cannot install from normal lubuntu iso bec...