Showing CPU/Memory usage on tmux status bar(tmuxのステータスバーにCPUとMemoryの使用状況を表示する)
On OSX, to show CPU usage, script is like this.
to get Memory Usage, script is like this.
Name thsese scripts like and put them in folder where the $PATH is set. Change their mode to u+x.
To show them on tmux status line, .tmux.conf is like
top -l 1 | head -n 4 | tail -n 1|awk '{printf "%3d%%\n", $3}'
to get Memory Usage, script is like this.
vm_stat | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[:]+"}{if(NR<7&&NR>1)sum+=$2; if(NR==2||NR==4||NR==5)free+=$2} END{printf "%3d%%\n",100*((sum - free)/sum)}'
Name thsese scripts like and put them in folder where the $PATH is set. Change their mode to u+x.
To show them on tmux status line, .tmux.conf is like
set -g status-right '#[fg=blue,bold]#H#[default] #[fg=blue,bold][CPU=#( MEM=#(]#[default]'