Programing iPhone game using cocos-2d

I am trying to create an iPhone program, for the first time, and this is also my first time creating a program in Xcode, and one more thing, this is my first time to create a game with cocos-2d. So, you know, it is very confusing about everything.

I followed this instruction(Whitepaper: Introduction to Cocos2d iPhone) to create a new project onece, and it worked OK. But it was necessary to use new feature on cocos-2d, so I downloaded source code by SVN. It was so annoying to create new project all over again, so I followed this instruction(Creating a new Target-cocos2d-iphone-discuss/Google Group), and, Ooops! I got into a huge(?) mess.

Whenenver I changed a project little bit(even its project name), debugger stops launching OR program crashes on the line
[[Director sharedDirector] attachInWindow: window]

I spent two annoying days to avoid this problem and I finally give up.
My go-around is just create a sub folder inside the cocos-2d and follow the first direction to create a whole new project, but this time, import cocos-2d files as references. I should have erase two folders, experimental/sound-engine and external/Tremor (and I don't know why), it seems everything's OK right now.

Good thing about this method is my project and files are in just one folder and I only need to version control it, however I am not so sure this's gonna be good along with cocos-2d updating... Umm...


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